Upper Room Magazine

The September/October issue of The Upper Room is available in the CLC narthex or in the black mailbox outside the office door.

The Walk to Bethlehem

The dates for The Walk to Bethlehem this year are: December 11 (set-up all day), December 12 (event 5:00-8:00 pm), December 13 (event 4:00-7:00 pm), and December 14 (tear down 9:00 am – 1:00 pm).

We welcome anyone and everyone to begin specifically with prayer over The Walk to Bethlehem, its participants, and to give thanks for the hours of work that will be generously poured into this wonderful event.

As you begin to prayerfully consider how you will participate, be on the lookout for more information in the new few weeks regarding the details.

Contact Cheryl Barker with any questions!

Salem’s Annual Bazaar & BBQ

Unfortunately we have to cancel the bazaar and BBQ this year. If you have already made crafts for the bazaar, be sure and save them so we can have a huge event next year!

School Staff Support Ministry

Another school year is here! And there are over 600 school staff that need our prayers, encouragement and support. So let’s get that started NOW!

  1. STOP! Please pray for the school staff of our community. They (and we all) are navigating news ways of living into educating and supporting our students.
  2. Salem is ready to give encouragement this year with simple reminders that they are cared for and encouraged by our church. The link below is a list of donations and volunteers needed to make this happen. Each item requested will have a note of encouragement added at some point throughout the fall semester from Salem as we live into our mission to be the spirit of Jesus alive in the world today as we love God and love everyone.

Bring items over the next few weeks to worship or drop them by the church office. Thanks for helping us encourage our area school staff.

Please contact Jenny Reilly for more information.


Fall Bible Study

Salem will be offering several studies in the coming months. These studies will be about 4-8 weeks in length and new studies will be offered periodically. Since we don’t see people as often to gauge interest, we need your input through this survey. Please complete this survey so we can make appropriate ministry plans. 


For more information or to discuss facilitating a study group or just to have conversation about small group studies, please contact Jenny Reilly at jenny@salemunitedmethodist.com.


Communion is a beautiful part of our worship as a faith community. It is a means of grace that we do to remember the gift of Jesus and his sacrifice for us. Here are three ways you may participate in this sacrament.

Communion will be shared in worship on Sunday, September 6 at both the 9 am and 11 am services. This is done with great care for health protocols. 

We recognize that not everyone is ready to worship in person. With this in mind Pastor Eric will offer drive-thru communion on that Sunday, 10:15-10:45 am. Please drive up to the office entrance and remain in your car as you are served communion.

If you are unable to come to the church, please contact the church office so we may schedule a time to come to your home and share in this sacrament together.