Note: March 2nd our service time at Denver UMC will start early @ 5pm-7:30pm this weekend only. Then the following weekend we will continue our regular schedule.
We are currently in collabs with our good friend and youth pastor Ben Nobles at Denver United Methodist where Salem youth get to hang out with Salem staff and our friends every Sunday @ 5:30pm. Parents, if your student needs a ride meet us here at Salem UMC at 5pm and we’ll drive your students to Denver UMC with us. All staff and youth volunteers have gone through “Safe Sanctuary” training so that you know we take your student’s safety seriously.
If your student needs a ride meet here @ 4:30pm on March 2nd. Service will start @ 5pm at Denver UMC for this weekend only. Then we will be back to our normal schedule.
Salem UMC Address: 378 N. Pilot Knob Rd, Denver, NC 28037
Where to pick your student up after service @ 7:30pm
Denver UMC Address: 3910 North, NC-16, Denver, NC 28037